Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Plutocratic Fascism engeneers a regime that keeps the majority of the people either illiterate or against reading.
Mitt Romney is an open fascist, and his philosophy shows in the anti-intellectualism apparent in this campaign for President of the USA...

2012-06-05 "Romney Camp “Offically” Can’t Spell" by Jeff Fecke
While touring a West Philadelphia charter school, Mitt Romney last week declared that it really didn’t matter how big classes were, students could learn regardless. The educators on hand objected, saying that yes, it is easier to teach 12 kids than 80. That may be true now, but they didn’t know that Mitt Romney had a cunning plan: stop worrying about spelling altogether.
That obviously is part of Romney’s campaign; after all, for the third time in less than a week, the Romney campaign has put a misspelled item out for public consumption. You can officially add “offical” to “sneak peak” as alternate spellings that are okay to use in Romney’s “Amercia.” [http://mashable.com/2012/06/04/romney-spelling-mistakes/]
The latest typo was brought to the attention of Mashable by Kari Embree, a San Diego-based proofreader. It’s entirely possible that the Romney campaign will be calling Embree to request her services very soon.
While the typos are more embarrassing than damaging, they do indicate that for all Romney’s talk of his own business acumen, the Romney campaign is hardly running like a well-oiled machine. Certainly, typos will happen — every writer has seen a few go to press. But the first gaffe misspelled the very name of the country Romney seeks to lead, and led to severe mockery [http://www.care2.com/causes/mitt-romney-an-amercian-hero.html]. One would think that the communications staff would redouble their efforts, and make sure nothing else slipped through.
Perhaps that’s unfair. Romney’s only human, probably. But considering that he’s trying to build a campaign around the idea of competence, his campaign’s inability to get the simple things right is more than a bit disconcerting. Romney wants to be put in charge of far bigger things than a campaign, after all.

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