2012-11-28 "Coery Booker, Newark’s “Virtual Mayor” Shows Out As Negro Nazi" by Amiri Baraka:
For two years or so Newark’s May Whore , Corey Booker, never set foot in the City Council chambers. Why? So he wd not have to be confronted by the peoples’ elected representatives. Instead, that is why he is called our “Virtual Mayor”, because on the tube he is ubiquitous, on radio, at press conferences from undisclosed hideouts. But personally, almost never.
He has appeared, rarely, when the council smoked him out, e.g., when he tried to sell the city’s water, to some of his cronies disguised as the Municipal Utilities Authority(MUA). But as a result of his desperate foray into the real world , the MUA got defeated and apparently he learned from that and stayed out of sight except as occasional Oprah mascot and Steadman lookalike.
At another rare emergence into the real world, when he closed our libraries (and you wonder why a dude well advertised in his sweetheart press as Stanford Univ, Yale Law School, Rhodes scholar would close libraries – I tried to ask him this question , he turned his head to some white member of the library’s board, who said , “No”.
The rest of the Newark Activists there rose up and started whooping and hollering at the Mayor’s brief excursion into reality. The people screamed at him and he fled. The main library was reopened.
What I had wanted to ask was to address the mayor’s Republican sounding statement that “ the government can’t do everything.” I wanted to ask him then Why he doesn’t demand that Prudential, the world’s largest insurance company pay it’s taxes, since it hasn’t paid since 1970. That one white building is worth 300 million dollars a year, taxesl A 45 year old tax exemption!
Now, around the question of a replacement for City Council President, Donald Payne, Jr, who replaced his father as Congressman, the Virtual One decided to dare reality again. This time with the collusion of city clerk “Bye Bye Bob” Marasco , and El Sucio Quatro, four council members to mislead the people—there was no mention of the replacing of the council president on the Council agenda, but in the middle of the seeming regular council business, the Virtual One tried to sneak back into reality . He tip toed, on a cue from Traitor Ramos & the Junta as they waved Booker’s replacement dummy on the scene and tried to have “Bye Bye Bob” swear her in.
This whole scene was preposterous! When Councilman Baraka tried to protest this burlesque Traitor Ramos refused to recognize him. This prompted council persons Baraka, Sharif, & Crump to come off the platform, take the public mikes and began to assail the rump council’s illegal actions & Booker’s clownish violation of the city’s legal statutes.
When these small time Nazis tried to continue their ripoff of Newark laws and democracy the people in the hall started to scream foul and tried to stop the criminal actions en masse. Some of us were trying to tell Booker’s stooges Ramos & the rest who are all linked to North Ward il Duce, Steve Adubato & his boy Essex County Executive, Joe DiVincenzo , that they were committing criminal acts . Now people surged to the front demonstrating that they be heard. Instead one policeman started pepper spraying the people, while the Virtual One tip toed back into his virtualness.
It is said that Booker had fellow conspirator Marasco swear the fake council person in, Chenique Davis Speight ,whose husband is an political associate of Steve Adubato, in his office. But we must challenge this whole fiasco as an attack on Democracy and ask at the same time why wd you try this Nazi foolishness on us? Wait a minute, someone might ask, are you trying to accuse these people of Racism as well. How could you do that, the Mayor is a Negro.
Very much so, we answer, but then we have to quote Fanon, “Some of the oppressed don’t want to destroy their enemies, they want to be them”.
maryland has 28 drug peisons up from five or six the only answer is clean pharmacy drugs regardless of race and free enterprize praise jesus glory to god amen