Thursday, September 18, 2014

How advocates against government social-programs "prove" their point

"War on Poverty, fail", 2014-09-18 []:
From the Rush Limbaugh show....
Our old buddy at the Heritage Foundation, Robert Rector, is back with yet another great paper on what a total, total abomination the War on Poverty has been. I mean, the numbers he cites in his piece are just mind boggling.
For example, the U.S. has spent $22 trillion in its War on Poverty, three times the amount we have spent on all wars combined, and still the percentage of people in poverty is the same as it was before the War on Poverty began. And Rector said, "How is this possible? How in the world can we spend $22 trillion and not even change the circumstances of people?" And he gets into the original purposes of LBJ, and of course, just like FDR, it was to create a permanent Democrat majority with all these things.
When the War on Poverty began, 7% of children in America were born outside marriage. Today, 42% of all kids born in this country are born out of wedlock. And in the African-American community, it's 73%. War on Poverty. That's the beginning point for these numbers. Seven percent birthrate outside marriage in 1965, now 42% nationwide, 73% in the black community.

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