What a Waste! All that money on a single greedy man...
No wonder he's running scared of the IWW union, he's afraid they will get a little bit of "his" money!
2011-07-26 "Starbucks' CEO Howard Schultz Is Officially A Billionaire Again" by Aimee Groth
Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz officially rejoined the billionaires' club since he fell off the wagon in 2007, according to Forbes [http://blogs.forbes.com/jessicachen/2011/07/22/starbucks-founder-returns-to-billionaire-ranks/]:
[begin excerpt]
Schultz last appeared in our billionaire ranks in 2007 with a net worth of $1.1 billion, enough to be ranked no. 840. From then on, the coffee maker’s shares began a long downward spiral, losing about 80% of their value by late 2008 ... The stock nearly doubled since last fall and recently hit an all-time high.
[end excerpt]
Meanwhile, the Wall Street Journal reports that earlier this month [http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424053111904772304576468392023889306.html], Starbucks workers in Chile went on strike over their $2.50/hour wages; and yesterday members of a IWW Starbucks Workers Union in New York City protested in solidarity [http://www.starbucksunion.org/node/9791]. IWW members are planning another event near the Starbucks headquarters in Seattle.
Schultz has come a long way since he grew up in the Brooklyn housing projects. Today, in addition to his CEO job, he co-runs the venture capital firm Maveron [http://maveron.com/bio/howard-schultz.php]; and earlier this year he joined Groupon's board of directors [http://eon.businesswire.com/news/eon/20110210006891/en/Groupon/Starbucks-Coffee-Company/Board-of-Directors].
Enemy of Life
Howard Schultz
Howard Schultz

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