"Donald Sterling has a friend in the Black Community"
2014-06-26 from J.T., a Jewish author in Los Angeles [link]:
The Los Angeles City Council voted to declare February 28, 2013 as “Skip Cooper Day” in the city honoring the work of Earl “Skip” Cooper II, President of the Black Business Association.
For more on how that happened: [https://web.archive.org/web/20130620020639/http://lasentinel.net/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=10630:skip-cooper-day-in-los-angeles&catid=80&Itemid=170].
I was privileged to attend the BBA 2014 40th Annual Awards Dinner last night:

Overall the event was positive. One speaker in particular spoke eloquently about the history of civil rights activism and civil rights laws and executive orders that assisted African American business and the critical effect on African American employment. But the event had a low mark where it started at the bottom when people realized that there was a full page ad in the program from Donald Sterling; starting at the bottom it managed to work its way down when BBA President Earl “Skip” Cooper II said that Sterling is his “friend” and claimed that Sterling “isn’t a racist.”
Seriously. I’m not making this up:

Earl “Skip” Cooper II extolling the virtues of Donald Sterling at the BBA 2014 Awards Banquet

If you’re not familiar with my past writings about Donald Sterling, check these blog entries out:
* "Happy Birthday, Donald Tokowitz Sterling, you Jew Oreo" [link]
* "RICO, not profit, for Donald Sterling" [link]
* Donald Sterling: Keep Quiet until Yom Kippur" [link]
To me, Donald Sterling is about as welcome as Adolf Hitler at a Bar Mitzvah. Frankly, that’s the way most of the people in the audience took Skip’s remarks about Sterling: jaw dropping; “no you didn’t just go there?” “WTF!” etc and so on….and then there was my reaction….. “What kind of Negro said that?”
You be the judge of whether Skip’s statements about Sterling and his denial of Sterling’s being a racist is consistent or inconsistent with BBA’s claimed Mission (see below). If it’s inconsistent, maybe BBA should change it’s name to Negro Business Association. Of course to me, denying that Sterling is a racist is like a Jew joining the Neo-Nazi so-called Historical Revisionists in claiming that the Holocaust is a myth and nothing but Jewish propaganda….

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